Sunday, June 3, 2012

5/5/12 Meeting Notes

On the May 5, 2012 meeting the president called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The American Pledge was said by Dillon Hearn, and the 4-H pledge was said by Becca Kriner. The secratary's eport was given. Stacey announced that we made 300 dollars from the candle sales. The leader repots and presentations were given. Last chance for Quality Assurance is June 18 at the Extension Office at 6:30. June 3 is the Picnic at the Vandine's. June 11 is the Animal Entries for the fair, and June 25 is the GEneral Entries for the fair. July 6 is Pen set-up at the fair. Also call the Extension Office if you lose an animal so you can still show that animal projecct the next year. If  you dont finish a project call the Extension Office. No horns. The little "floaty" scabs from getting rid of the horns must be checked bythe vet, and ok-ed by the vet. The newsletter wil have the new dress code in it. Have good conduct during showman-ship. The club only buys one shirt for each member. Also added by Ruth, that when showing goats, and sheep, clean their ears and armpits, make sure you know the date of birth and breeds. Clover buds presented. Meeting was called to an end.

4/14/12 Meeting Notes

Sorry that these are late being posted : (

Minutes from last meeting were read and attendance was taken.  Anyone who's name was not called was asked to see Jordana after the meeting.

Treasurer's report was given.

Leathercraft:  completed projects were presented by Jacob, Tyler G, Emma, Jordana, Cassie, Hannah and Sarah.

Woodworking:  no update this meeting.

Theater:  Tammy will be scheduling meetings soon.

Knitting/Crochet/Photo:  a few crochet projects under way and one photography project.

Scrapbooking:  Stacey says half-way through the project.

Turn in candle orders and money tonight.

Voting for parade float and fair booth:  combine farm and ATV safety.

County Council update was given by Jordana and Tyler W.  5/2 is the next meeting at Tractor Supply.

Toastmasters update by Nicole, who was President; Jacob, who was Sr. Speaker; and Rebecca, who was Jr. Speaker.

Animal entries due to fair by 6/11.

General entries by 6/25.

4-H t-shirt:  winning design by Divya, Jordan and Jeff Reitz.  Will be sold for $6/$7.50.  All clubs from Lycoming County will be listed on the back of the shirt.

4/22 - noon:  Livestock Kick-off at Fair grounds.  Call office by 4/16 to RSVP.

All leaders are enrolled, but not all kids.  Deadline is Sunday at midnight! 

Update on animal arrival at the fair:  they arrive Friday by 10 p.m. as usual.  Not on Thursday as the fair had originally indicated.

Animal designation 4/15 by Midnight.  Tagging must be done by 5/1.  Let Wayne and Ruth know when they can come tag.  Tags are $1 each.

Dress code for showing:  4-H shirts are okay, no tank tops, hair must be pulled back.

Becca gave an update on camp:  Natural Disasters.  Enrollment information will be in May Newsletter.

New member:  Mackenzie.  Welcome!

Must attend half the meetings to show animals.

Cloverbuds drew pictures of their families, even their pets.  Remember, they are out future 4-Hers.

3/3/12 Meeting Notes

Sorry that these are late being posted : (

Membership/Attendance was taken.

Wesley Walters gave treasurer's report.

Leathercraft:  Dillon, Elizabeth, Zach and Aaron presented their finished projects.

Woodworking:  Greg reported that three people have signed up so far.

Crochet:  a few have signed up and are working on projects.

Photography:  See Anita if interested.

Scrapbooking:  Stacey sent an e-mail to those who signed up. 

Stacey gave updates on Hoss's fundraiser.  Candle orders and money are due next meeting.  Need ideas for parade float and fair booth.  Will vote for topic next meeting:  Farm Safety, Above the Influence, ATV Safety, and Emergency Preparedness.  Will need volunteers to help.

Reminder:  must attend half the meetings in order to show animals.

3/12 - 7 p.m. Livestock Committee meeting:  will include discussion about horns/scabs.

Let Ruth know what animals you are showing so they can be tagged by 4/15.

QA Training held by Vicki Lewis. 

Basketry:  Divya presented her completed basket projects.

Emily and Miranda presented an FCLA skit about home economics and childhood hunger.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Meeting Reminder

Sat. June 3rd, 2012, noon, at Wayne & Ruth's for a picnic and float decorating.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Meeting Reminder

Sat., May 5th, 2012, 7 p.m. at the church.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Species Informational Session

On April 22nd, 2012, the species chairmen are offering an informational session in the cattle arena at the fair grounds. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Meeting Reminder

Sat., April 14th, 2012, 7 p.m. at the church.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hoss's Fundraiser

Don't forget to hand out the "Cash Cow Cards" for our Hoss's Fundraiser . . .  Present the card on March 7, 2012 at the Hoss's in Williamsport and they will donate 20% of the proceeds to our club!  Even on gift card purchases!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meeting Reminder

Sat. March 3rd, 2012, 7 p.m. at the church.  Quality Assurance will be offered.  QA is required to be taken every year if you are showing animals.

Hope to see you there!

Spring Kick-Off

Spring Kick-Off is 3/3/12 from 2:30 to 4:30 at Trout Pond Park.  County Council will meet at 1:30 if anyone 13 or over is interested in attending.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

2/4/12 Meeting Notes

Officers present: 
Pres. - Nicole D.
VP - Jacob W.
Secretary - Jordana W.
Treas. - Wesley Wa.
Sargent of Arms - Tyler W.
Scrapbook Keeper - Kaiti V.

Pledge of Allegiance - Tyler W.
4-H Pledge - Amber H.

Minutes from last meeting were read by Jordana W.
Attendance sheet was passed around.
Reminder about important dates was handed out.

Cloverbuds were dismissed to work on their project.

Parental Consent and Skills for Everyday Living papers were handed out.  Please complete and mail back to the Extension Office with $10 fee.

Wayne V. gave an update on leather projects.  Tyler W., Kaiti V., Wesley Wo., and Jase T. presented their completed leather projects.

No update this month on basketry.

Tammy K. indicated that theater is starting in March.  See her if interested in participating.

See Anita W. if interested in crochet, knitting or photography projects.  Will start before the end of Feb.

Stacey V. stated that our Hoss's Fundraiser is set for 3/7.  The club will earn 20% of the proceeds.  Stacey handed out the cards that we can give to people to present on that day.  Also will e-mail the link to those who provide e-mail address to her so that we can post on Facebook or e-mail to family/friends.

The club voted to have the Partylite Fundraiser in March.  The club will earn 50% of the proceeds.  Stacey will bring the sales sheets to the next meeting.

Stacey will also offer a scrapbooking project.  See her if interested.

Due to some side bar conversations, a reminder was given to show respect and turn cell phones off during meetings.

Ruth invites interested exhibitors to participate in the 3/12 Livestock Meeting where "scabs" or floating horns will be discussed.  Many vets won't remove them because they are not a true horn, but last year exhibitors were force to remove the scabs or take their animals home. 

Becca K. gave a summary from the State Leadership Conference last month in Hershey.  There were speeches, meet & greet, workshops, and a dinner/dance.  Participants wore business clothes and enjoyed learning activities.

Jordana W. gave an update from last night's County Council meeting.  Registrations for Camp Counselors are being sought.  eData is down right now, so no one can enroll at the moment - more info to come.  Spring Kick Off is 3/3 at 2:30 at Trout Pond Park.  All 4-Hers age 13 and over are welcome to join County Council.  The next meeting is before Kick Off at 1:30.

New members introduced themselves.

Reminder:  You must attend half of the meetings in order to show animals at the fair.

Next meeting is 3/3, and Quality Assurance will be offered then. 

Guest Speaker, David Litchard, of the Fertell Company discussed nutritional needs of animals and that the feed value this year will be down due to the excessive rain last summer.  It is important to make sure animals have adequate nutrition, clean water, and clean bedding.  Also important to have a worming schedule and contact the vet early if your animal is not growing properly or seems to have a health issue.  Club leaders are also a great resource.

1/7/12 Meeting Notes

Pledge of Allegiance:  Beth
4-H Pledge:  Jamison

Minutes from last meeting read.  Attendance taken.  Treasurer's report given.

Per Ruth, cell phones will be turned off during the meetings from now on.

Per the 1/4 Livestock Meeting, sale order will be:  rabbits, goats, swine, steers, sheep.

Fair will be 7/13 - 7/21/12.  Animals need to arrive on Thursday before 10 p.m.  The fair is open on Friday and they want the animals to be there.

Dress code for shows:  No tank tops, no shorts, no holes in jeans.  Blouses or pullover shirts preferred.  Long hair must be pulled back.

Animals must be clean fo rthe shows and sale.

4/22/12 - there will be a meeting with the species chairpersons to discuss nutrition, etc.  Watch newsletter for details.  Will be held in the cattle arena at the fair grounds.

Cloverbuds - for next meeting, bring a picture of your family and pictures from magazines.


Carol H. will not be offering cooking this year.  If someone else is interested in doing this, please let Ruth know.

Anita W. - offering crochet, knitting, photography. 

Jeff & Lynn R. - not offering babysitting this year.

Wayne V. - leathercraft.  Projects need to be finished by the end of March.  Kaitlyn will be helping.

Nancy R. - baskets.

Greg G. - woodworking.

Tammy K. - theater - will make puppets and possibly take a behind the scenes tour at Community Theatre League.

Not sure if Mrs. Leighow is offering cake decorating.

Possible fundraisers:  Stacey G. discussed Hoss's one day fundraiser where 20% of all proceeds goes to our club.  Even gift cards purchased that day count.  Stacey will hand info out at next meeting.

Also discussed possible Partylite Spring Fundraiser.  Club gets 50% of proceeds.

Since Livestock Committee encourages polo shirts for showing/sale, Stacey contacted Maggie, the t-shirt supplier.  Polos would be $15.50 each.  We could use the candle money for this.

Ruth announced an essay contest in memory of Ron Buck who passed away last Fall.  Details should be coming in the newsletter, but the winner would receive a steer to work with the following 4-H year.

Pioneer Valley will also donate $30 - $40 dollars each towards the Dairy Beef and Sheep banners that are given away at the sale. 

Meeting Dates:  2/4 at church, 3/3 at church, 4/14 at church, 5/5 at churgh, 6/3 at Ruth's.
8/25 - Burger Burn at Sam's Club.

Officers were elected:
Pres. - Nicole D.
Vice Pres. - Jacob W.
Secretary - Jordana W.
NewsReporter - Divya R.
Sargent of Arms - Tyler W.
Scrapbook Keeper - Kaiti V.