Saturday, February 4, 2012

2/4/12 Meeting Notes

Officers present: 
Pres. - Nicole D.
VP - Jacob W.
Secretary - Jordana W.
Treas. - Wesley Wa.
Sargent of Arms - Tyler W.
Scrapbook Keeper - Kaiti V.

Pledge of Allegiance - Tyler W.
4-H Pledge - Amber H.

Minutes from last meeting were read by Jordana W.
Attendance sheet was passed around.
Reminder about important dates was handed out.

Cloverbuds were dismissed to work on their project.

Parental Consent and Skills for Everyday Living papers were handed out.  Please complete and mail back to the Extension Office with $10 fee.

Wayne V. gave an update on leather projects.  Tyler W., Kaiti V., Wesley Wo., and Jase T. presented their completed leather projects.

No update this month on basketry.

Tammy K. indicated that theater is starting in March.  See her if interested in participating.

See Anita W. if interested in crochet, knitting or photography projects.  Will start before the end of Feb.

Stacey V. stated that our Hoss's Fundraiser is set for 3/7.  The club will earn 20% of the proceeds.  Stacey handed out the cards that we can give to people to present on that day.  Also will e-mail the link to those who provide e-mail address to her so that we can post on Facebook or e-mail to family/friends.

The club voted to have the Partylite Fundraiser in March.  The club will earn 50% of the proceeds.  Stacey will bring the sales sheets to the next meeting.

Stacey will also offer a scrapbooking project.  See her if interested.

Due to some side bar conversations, a reminder was given to show respect and turn cell phones off during meetings.

Ruth invites interested exhibitors to participate in the 3/12 Livestock Meeting where "scabs" or floating horns will be discussed.  Many vets won't remove them because they are not a true horn, but last year exhibitors were force to remove the scabs or take their animals home. 

Becca K. gave a summary from the State Leadership Conference last month in Hershey.  There were speeches, meet & greet, workshops, and a dinner/dance.  Participants wore business clothes and enjoyed learning activities.

Jordana W. gave an update from last night's County Council meeting.  Registrations for Camp Counselors are being sought.  eData is down right now, so no one can enroll at the moment - more info to come.  Spring Kick Off is 3/3 at 2:30 at Trout Pond Park.  All 4-Hers age 13 and over are welcome to join County Council.  The next meeting is before Kick Off at 1:30.

New members introduced themselves.

Reminder:  You must attend half of the meetings in order to show animals at the fair.

Next meeting is 3/3, and Quality Assurance will be offered then. 

Guest Speaker, David Litchard, of the Fertell Company discussed nutritional needs of animals and that the feed value this year will be down due to the excessive rain last summer.  It is important to make sure animals have adequate nutrition, clean water, and clean bedding.  Also important to have a worming schedule and contact the vet early if your animal is not growing properly or seems to have a health issue.  Club leaders are also a great resource.

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