Saturday, February 4, 2012

1/7/12 Meeting Notes

Pledge of Allegiance:  Beth
4-H Pledge:  Jamison

Minutes from last meeting read.  Attendance taken.  Treasurer's report given.

Per Ruth, cell phones will be turned off during the meetings from now on.

Per the 1/4 Livestock Meeting, sale order will be:  rabbits, goats, swine, steers, sheep.

Fair will be 7/13 - 7/21/12.  Animals need to arrive on Thursday before 10 p.m.  The fair is open on Friday and they want the animals to be there.

Dress code for shows:  No tank tops, no shorts, no holes in jeans.  Blouses or pullover shirts preferred.  Long hair must be pulled back.

Animals must be clean fo rthe shows and sale.

4/22/12 - there will be a meeting with the species chairpersons to discuss nutrition, etc.  Watch newsletter for details.  Will be held in the cattle arena at the fair grounds.

Cloverbuds - for next meeting, bring a picture of your family and pictures from magazines.


Carol H. will not be offering cooking this year.  If someone else is interested in doing this, please let Ruth know.

Anita W. - offering crochet, knitting, photography. 

Jeff & Lynn R. - not offering babysitting this year.

Wayne V. - leathercraft.  Projects need to be finished by the end of March.  Kaitlyn will be helping.

Nancy R. - baskets.

Greg G. - woodworking.

Tammy K. - theater - will make puppets and possibly take a behind the scenes tour at Community Theatre League.

Not sure if Mrs. Leighow is offering cake decorating.

Possible fundraisers:  Stacey G. discussed Hoss's one day fundraiser where 20% of all proceeds goes to our club.  Even gift cards purchased that day count.  Stacey will hand info out at next meeting.

Also discussed possible Partylite Spring Fundraiser.  Club gets 50% of proceeds.

Since Livestock Committee encourages polo shirts for showing/sale, Stacey contacted Maggie, the t-shirt supplier.  Polos would be $15.50 each.  We could use the candle money for this.

Ruth announced an essay contest in memory of Ron Buck who passed away last Fall.  Details should be coming in the newsletter, but the winner would receive a steer to work with the following 4-H year.

Pioneer Valley will also donate $30 - $40 dollars each towards the Dairy Beef and Sheep banners that are given away at the sale. 

Meeting Dates:  2/4 at church, 3/3 at church, 4/14 at church, 5/5 at churgh, 6/3 at Ruth's.
8/25 - Burger Burn at Sam's Club.

Officers were elected:
Pres. - Nicole D.
Vice Pres. - Jacob W.
Secretary - Jordana W.
NewsReporter - Divya R.
Sargent of Arms - Tyler W.
Scrapbook Keeper - Kaiti V.

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