Sunday, June 3, 2012

4/14/12 Meeting Notes

Sorry that these are late being posted : (

Minutes from last meeting were read and attendance was taken.  Anyone who's name was not called was asked to see Jordana after the meeting.

Treasurer's report was given.

Leathercraft:  completed projects were presented by Jacob, Tyler G, Emma, Jordana, Cassie, Hannah and Sarah.

Woodworking:  no update this meeting.

Theater:  Tammy will be scheduling meetings soon.

Knitting/Crochet/Photo:  a few crochet projects under way and one photography project.

Scrapbooking:  Stacey says half-way through the project.

Turn in candle orders and money tonight.

Voting for parade float and fair booth:  combine farm and ATV safety.

County Council update was given by Jordana and Tyler W.  5/2 is the next meeting at Tractor Supply.

Toastmasters update by Nicole, who was President; Jacob, who was Sr. Speaker; and Rebecca, who was Jr. Speaker.

Animal entries due to fair by 6/11.

General entries by 6/25.

4-H t-shirt:  winning design by Divya, Jordan and Jeff Reitz.  Will be sold for $6/$7.50.  All clubs from Lycoming County will be listed on the back of the shirt.

4/22 - noon:  Livestock Kick-off at Fair grounds.  Call office by 4/16 to RSVP.

All leaders are enrolled, but not all kids.  Deadline is Sunday at midnight! 

Update on animal arrival at the fair:  they arrive Friday by 10 p.m. as usual.  Not on Thursday as the fair had originally indicated.

Animal designation 4/15 by Midnight.  Tagging must be done by 5/1.  Let Wayne and Ruth know when they can come tag.  Tags are $1 each.

Dress code for showing:  4-H shirts are okay, no tank tops, hair must be pulled back.

Becca gave an update on camp:  Natural Disasters.  Enrollment information will be in May Newsletter.

New member:  Mackenzie.  Welcome!

Must attend half the meetings to show animals.

Cloverbuds drew pictures of their families, even their pets.  Remember, they are out future 4-Hers.

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