Sunday, June 3, 2012

5/5/12 Meeting Notes

On the May 5, 2012 meeting the president called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The American Pledge was said by Dillon Hearn, and the 4-H pledge was said by Becca Kriner. The secratary's eport was given. Stacey announced that we made 300 dollars from the candle sales. The leader repots and presentations were given. Last chance for Quality Assurance is June 18 at the Extension Office at 6:30. June 3 is the Picnic at the Vandine's. June 11 is the Animal Entries for the fair, and June 25 is the GEneral Entries for the fair. July 6 is Pen set-up at the fair. Also call the Extension Office if you lose an animal so you can still show that animal projecct the next year. If  you dont finish a project call the Extension Office. No horns. The little "floaty" scabs from getting rid of the horns must be checked bythe vet, and ok-ed by the vet. The newsletter wil have the new dress code in it. Have good conduct during showman-ship. The club only buys one shirt for each member. Also added by Ruth, that when showing goats, and sheep, clean their ears and armpits, make sure you know the date of birth and breeds. Clover buds presented. Meeting was called to an end.

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