Sunday, April 3, 2011

March 19th 2011 Meeting Notes

Pledges were lead by Hannah D. and Sarah D.
Minutes read and approved.
Membership role taken.  Membership log passed around for those whose names were not called to sign in.
Project updates by leaders.
Jacob D., Wesley W., Elizabeth W., and Tyler G. displayed their leather projects.
Voted for dark gray t-shirts.  Order sheet passed around.
Sign in sheet for Plow Day food stand passed around.
Float ideas discussed.  Will vote next meeting.  Stacy asked for improved participation for the float and fair booth.  It's often the same kids who help.
All animal paperwork needs turned in before unloading.  Must have scrapies tag.  No horns on animals!
Complete your paperwork clearly so it can be easily read.
The meeting was adjorned and Alex G. conducted QA training.

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