Saturday, October 29, 2011


11/5 at Church.

Bring a snack to share.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Burger Burn at Sam's

Sunday, 8/28 from 9 - 5:  Burger Burn at Sam's.

All help is greatly appreciated!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Round Up

Round Up is scheduled for 8/13.  There will be an ice-cream social with door prizes. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fair Food Stand - Sat. 7/23

Pioneer Valley is scheduled to work the fair food stand on Saturday, 7/23 from 7 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Donations of brownies for the sundaes are welcome!

All help is greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fair Food Stand - Tues. 7/19

Pioneer Valley is scheduled to work the fair food stand on Tuesday 7/19 and  Saturday 7/23 from 7 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Don't forget to donate a batch of brownies for the sundaes!

All help is greatly appreciated!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Make sure your project listing is correct!

Whatever is on file at the Extension Office as of 7/1 is what you will be held responsible for.  If you originally signed up to do a project but are not doing it for some reason, make sure to have it removed at the Extension office or you will be marked as not completing it if you do not turn in your book/project this year.  Please verify your information before the end of June!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5/21 Meeting Notes

Meeting was held at the church. 

American Pledge - Hailey
4-H Pledge - Sondra

Minutes read and approved.  Cloverbuds dismissed to work on their projects.

Treasurer's report read.

Photography - 4-H members displayed their photographs.

Animal paperwork due to the fair office by 6/13.

Leather craft projects were presented by RJ, Emma and Jacob.

Next meeting August 6th.  Ruth will review project books.  Will have sign ups for Sam's Club Burger Burn.  No meeting in September.  Topics for October meeting?

Round-up is August 13th.

Reminder to those who have not had Quality Assurance yet - please contact extension office to sign up for the class.

Pen set-up 7/8 at 6 p.m.  Bring your animal books for a book check.

Fair packets will be mailed out soon.  Verify your projects - whatever you are signed up for as of 7/1 is what you are responsible for.

Shirts were ordered.

Fair booth meetings will be held mid-June.  Usually requires 3 meetings and then setting up the Wednesday before the fair.

Self-determined cooking class met Sunday at the church.  They made citrus tea, baked corn, macaroni and cheese, fruit parfait and brownies.

Cloverbuds returned and presented the flower pots they painted and planted plants in.

Meeting adjorned.

4-H Float in the Pet Parade

Last night was the Pet Parade.  Our float was Hunting Safety and everyone did a great job decorating it!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Float Decorating Picnic at Wayne & Ruth's

Today, a wonderful picnic was held at Wayne & Ruth's to begin decorating the float for the pet parade tomorrow evening.  Many of our members and their parents attended the gathering.  There was a lot of great food and fellowship!  Thank you, Wayne & Ruth for hosting the large group!  We will see everyone tomorrow at 5:45 p.m. at the high school to put the float together.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pet Parade

6/6  6p.m.  Pet Parade Float

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Float Decorating Picnic

6/5  Noon at Wayne & Ruth's.

Bring a dish to share.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

April 16th, 2011 Meeting Notes

Sorry for the delay in posting!

The American Pledge and 4-H Pledge were said.  Last meeting minutes were read and approved.  Attendance was taken and the treasurer's report was read.

Leaders reports:
Carol H. gave a cooking class update.
Mrs. L gave a cake decorating update and noted that they took a field trip to Sam's Club Bakery.
Mr. & Mrs. R. gave an update on babysitting, noting that the last meeting is tomorrow (4/17). 
    The babysitting class demonstrated items from their babysitting kits that they've been assembling.
Anita W. gave an update on photography.  They will bring photos to the May meeting to display.
Anita W. gave an update on crochet.  Nia and Kelly passed their coin purses and scarves around.
Tammy K. gave an update on theatre.  First meeting will be 5/1 at the church.
Wayne V. gave an update on leathercraft.  Jordana, Kaiti, Cassie and Wesley demonstrated their leather craft.
Divya demonstrated the baskets she made.

Stacey V. noted that this is the last night to order shirts. 

Hunting Safety was voted as the theme for the parade float and the fair stand.  See Stacey after the meeting to volunteer to help.

Plow days will be held 4/23 from 10 - 3.  Please sign up for 1 hour shifts.  After the meeting, we will determine the food prices for this year.

If you didn't get the QA class at the last meeting, you still need to take it.  Call the Extension Office to sign up. 

Some kids still do not have their $10 fee paid.  Please see Ruth to discuss or call the Extension Office.

Rabbit project - read the newsletter for details.  The Perchinski's are in charge of the rabbit projects this year.  Bunnies are to be no more than 70 days old by 7/16/11.  Should be born around May 7th.  May have 3 bunnies per pen and may have a total of 2 pens.  Watch newsletter for rabbit meeting.

Goats are allowed to have blunt horns.

Must have 1 buyer per animal.  Let Extension Office know about new buyers.

All paperwork due at unloading of animals.

IF YOU MISS OVER HALF THE MEETINGS, YOU CANNOT SHOW AT THE FAIR.  You may help at Plow Days to make up a missed meeting.

Animals must be tagged by 5/1.  Call Ruth right away to schedule tagging.

Non-animal project kids - see Nicole after the meeting to plan demo's for next month's meeting.

Cloverbuds - bring seeds or a plant to the next meeeting to put in the pots you just painted.  Cloverbuds also did a seed corn experiment in bags.  They kept on in the sun and one in the dark to see how they grow.

Meeting adjorned.  Next meeting 5/21/11.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Babysitting Pics from 4/17 Meeting

The final meeting for Babysitting was held on 4/17.  The girls did a great job throughout the classes.  They learned how to make nutritious snacks, provide first aid and games to play with kids.  They also created resume portfolios and baby sitting kits, which will be entered in the fair.

Row 1:  Amber & Emily S.
Row 2:  Emily M., Jordana & Abby
Missing:  Nia & Kelly
This pic is just for fun!  The girls were acting a little goofy!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Photography & Crochet Meeting on Sunday 4/17 at 2 p.m.

As we discussed last time, we will not meet on 4/16 (due to the Amish Sale).  Instead, we are meeting on Sunday 4/17 at 2 p.m. at Anita's house.  Thanks!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings 4th Meeting Reminder

Babysitting Beginnings 4th Meeting will be held at the church from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Sunday 4/17.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Babysittings Beginnings

Babysitting Beginnings met tonight for the 3rd time!  Tonight, they learned about first aid and safety from Stacey G.  They practiced the Heimlich Maneuver and learned about how to bandage wounds.  They also reviewed the items needed to make a first-aid kit and how to treat many common injuries including burns and animal bites.  Everyone did a great job and special thanks to Stacey!
Stacey G. demonstrates the Heimlich Maneuver on Ty G.
The participants practice the Heimlich and learn about when it should be used.
The kids practice wound care and proper bandage techniques.

Everyone is learning a lot about the skills needed to be a competent babysitter!

March 19th 2011 Meeting Notes

Pledges were lead by Hannah D. and Sarah D.
Minutes read and approved.
Membership role taken.  Membership log passed around for those whose names were not called to sign in.
Project updates by leaders.
Jacob D., Wesley W., Elizabeth W., and Tyler G. displayed their leather projects.
Voted for dark gray t-shirts.  Order sheet passed around.
Sign in sheet for Plow Day food stand passed around.
Float ideas discussed.  Will vote next meeting.  Stacy asked for improved participation for the float and fair booth.  It's often the same kids who help.
All animal paperwork needs turned in before unloading.  Must have scrapies tag.  No horns on animals!
Complete your paperwork clearly so it can be easily read.
The meeting was adjorned and Alex G. conducted QA training.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings 3rd Meeting Reminder

Babysitting Beginnings 3rd Meeting will be held at the church from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Sunday 4/3.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings 2nd Meeting Reminder

Babysitting Beginnings 2nd meeting will be held at the church from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Sunday 3/27.

Homework includes:
Ask 2 people what they pay for baby sitting services.
Begin a resume and/or business card.
Complete Sections 1 & 2 in the book.
Start to assemble your babysitting kit.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March Meeting Reminder

3/19  7p.m. at the church.

Be prepared to place t-shirt orders.  Hats are available as well; and you may have other items embroidered with the Pioneer Valley logo.

Cloverbuds - please bring something that grew from a seed.

Quality Assurance training will be offered - it will take an hour to complete.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings 1st Meeting Reminder

Babysitting Beginnings 1st meeting will be held at the church from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Sunday 3/13.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings 1st Meeting Reminder

Babysitting Beginnings
1st meeting at the church from 6 - 7:30 p.m. on Sunday 3/6.

This meeting was postponed until Sunday 3/13 due to bad weather.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings Info

Lyn and Jeff R. will be offering Babysitting Beginnings at the church from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on the following Sundays:

Contact them if you are interested in participating!

2/19/11 Meeting Notes

Minutes from last meeting were reviewed.

Membership Role was passed around for everyone to sign in.

A paper listing important dates was handed out.

Pioneer Valley now has it's own blog.  Meeting minutes, meeting dates, and important event info is listed there. 

Dillon presented his finished leathercraft - a hand gun holster.

Nancy R. displayed this year's basket.  This project requires that 2 baskets are made.  You can pick what the 2nd one is.  See her to sign up.

Jeff R. shared that babysitting project will start on 3/6 at the church.

Anita W. shared that three people are taking crochet and doing very well.  The photography projects are underway as well and the kids would like to present their photos at the April meeting.

Tammy K. indicated that theater will start at the end of March.  There are 3 age groups and meetings will be at the church.  See Tammy if you are interested.

The membership voted to do a food stand at Plow Days on 4/23.  The money raised will assist with new t-shirts this year, which will cost approximately $600.00.  Sign ups for shifts at the food stand will be available at the next meeting.

Kids who are doing Beef projects gave updates on their animals.

Let Ruth know what projects you are doing so that she can get the books.  It would be good to get started on the books soon.

Stacey indicated that they are looking at two suppliers for t-shirts.  Maggie's Custom Embroidery suggested Ash Gray or Sports Gray.  It will cost $3.50 to $4.00 per shirt for the embroidery.  Screen printing has a $20 set up fee and would be less expensive overall but tends to not hold up after multiple washings.  Hats will also be available to order.  You may have the logo put on other items.  The cost is $4.00 if the item is sent along at the time of our order; $8.25 per piece if done at another time.  The club will pay for one shirt for each member.  Parents are welcome to order shirts. 

Greg G. advised any kids interested in a woodcraft project to see him.

Please mail a check for $10 per member to the county extension office.  Enrollment must be completed by 4/15.

Alex G. will be at the 3/19 meeting to do Quality Assurance training.  This will take approximately one hour, but will eliminate the need to go to the extension office for the class.  QA includes Ethics, and Ruth shared that it would be good for all of us to attend.

We have new members at the meeting.  Alexis will be showing goats.  Lindsey is a Cloverbud.

Mrs. L. shared that the 1st Cake Decorating meeting was held today and they practiced making flowers.

Begin to think about float/fair booth ideas.  One year, the theme was Rain Forrest, which included a very difficult hummingbird that would not stay in position.  One of the mom's donated her chewing gum to the cause, and the hummingbird stayed up all week!

The Cloverbuds presented their projects for this meeting.  They used sliced fruit to "stamp" paper with paint.  Parents should keep all the projects in a folder to be presented at Round Up.  For the next meeting, Cloverbuds should bring something that was grown from a seed.

Meeting was adjourned.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1/15/11 Meeting

$100.00 Donation to Church for use of facility.

Project Leaders:
-Greg G.:  Woodworking
-Wayne V.:  Leathercraft (project must be 6 hrs to qualify)
-Carol H.:  Cooking (Beginner and Advanced, Thur. evening & Saturday)
-Tammy K.:  Theater Arts (probably meeting on Saturdays or Sundays)
-Jeff & Lynn R.:  Babysitting
-Jeff & Lynn R.:  Working with the elderly
-Anita W.:  Photography
-Anita W.:  Crochet
-Shelly H.:  Cloverbuds
-Wendy A.:  Horses

If you have a new buyer for the Livestock sale, call the office so they get a Fair pass.

Must have 3 buyers per species.

All papers will be turned in at either weigh-in or when animals are unloaded.

Fair gates will open at 2 p.m.; except livestock gate will be open all day.

Badge pictures must be done by Sunday at 10 p.m.

Sculpture competition will be offered at the fair.

NO HORNS on animals.

Two pigs may be sold this year.

There are new horse people in the group; will try to work together.

Round-up will be held one week earlier and there will not be a supper.  It will be an ice-cream social with door prizes.  Cloverbuds will be recognized but not eligible for sweepstakes.

If showing pigs, goats, sheep:  call Ruth with designation.  Animals cannot be added after designation, so consider designating 3 to be safe - even if you might only take one or two.  Animals must be designated by 4/1 and tagged by 4/15.

Reminder:  must attend half of the meetings to show animals.

Enrollment must be done on eData this year.  No paper enrollment.

If you enroll in a project on eData and then decide not to do it, call the extension office to let them know that you are not doing it.  If you don't, you will not be competition eligible for that project next year.

Any housekeeping money not claimed will be given to the Cloverbuds for project supplies.  2011 might be the last year for housekeeping money.  Extension office funding is down more than 35% this year.

Spring Kick-off will be held at Trout Pond Park.  Date to be announced.  Bring a snack to share.

Dave S. assisted with elections:
Pres. - Nicole D.
VP. - Jordan R.
Sec. - Jordana W.
News Reporter - Jaden L.
Seargent of Arms - Lakeisha B.
Scrapbook Keeper - Kaiti V.

Meeting was closed with the annual story gift exchange read by Stacy G.

Next meeting:  2/19 at the church.