Monday, May 30, 2011

Pet Parade

6/6  6p.m.  Pet Parade Float

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Float Decorating Picnic

6/5  Noon at Wayne & Ruth's.

Bring a dish to share.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

April 16th, 2011 Meeting Notes

Sorry for the delay in posting!

The American Pledge and 4-H Pledge were said.  Last meeting minutes were read and approved.  Attendance was taken and the treasurer's report was read.

Leaders reports:
Carol H. gave a cooking class update.
Mrs. L gave a cake decorating update and noted that they took a field trip to Sam's Club Bakery.
Mr. & Mrs. R. gave an update on babysitting, noting that the last meeting is tomorrow (4/17). 
    The babysitting class demonstrated items from their babysitting kits that they've been assembling.
Anita W. gave an update on photography.  They will bring photos to the May meeting to display.
Anita W. gave an update on crochet.  Nia and Kelly passed their coin purses and scarves around.
Tammy K. gave an update on theatre.  First meeting will be 5/1 at the church.
Wayne V. gave an update on leathercraft.  Jordana, Kaiti, Cassie and Wesley demonstrated their leather craft.
Divya demonstrated the baskets she made.

Stacey V. noted that this is the last night to order shirts. 

Hunting Safety was voted as the theme for the parade float and the fair stand.  See Stacey after the meeting to volunteer to help.

Plow days will be held 4/23 from 10 - 3.  Please sign up for 1 hour shifts.  After the meeting, we will determine the food prices for this year.

If you didn't get the QA class at the last meeting, you still need to take it.  Call the Extension Office to sign up. 

Some kids still do not have their $10 fee paid.  Please see Ruth to discuss or call the Extension Office.

Rabbit project - read the newsletter for details.  The Perchinski's are in charge of the rabbit projects this year.  Bunnies are to be no more than 70 days old by 7/16/11.  Should be born around May 7th.  May have 3 bunnies per pen and may have a total of 2 pens.  Watch newsletter for rabbit meeting.

Goats are allowed to have blunt horns.

Must have 1 buyer per animal.  Let Extension Office know about new buyers.

All paperwork due at unloading of animals.

IF YOU MISS OVER HALF THE MEETINGS, YOU CANNOT SHOW AT THE FAIR.  You may help at Plow Days to make up a missed meeting.

Animals must be tagged by 5/1.  Call Ruth right away to schedule tagging.

Non-animal project kids - see Nicole after the meeting to plan demo's for next month's meeting.

Cloverbuds - bring seeds or a plant to the next meeeting to put in the pots you just painted.  Cloverbuds also did a seed corn experiment in bags.  They kept on in the sun and one in the dark to see how they grow.

Meeting adjorned.  Next meeting 5/21/11.

Saturday, May 14, 2011