Saturday, February 19, 2011

Babysitting Beginnings Info

Lyn and Jeff R. will be offering Babysitting Beginnings at the church from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on the following Sundays:

Contact them if you are interested in participating!

2/19/11 Meeting Notes

Minutes from last meeting were reviewed.

Membership Role was passed around for everyone to sign in.

A paper listing important dates was handed out.

Pioneer Valley now has it's own blog.  Meeting minutes, meeting dates, and important event info is listed there. 

Dillon presented his finished leathercraft - a hand gun holster.

Nancy R. displayed this year's basket.  This project requires that 2 baskets are made.  You can pick what the 2nd one is.  See her to sign up.

Jeff R. shared that babysitting project will start on 3/6 at the church.

Anita W. shared that three people are taking crochet and doing very well.  The photography projects are underway as well and the kids would like to present their photos at the April meeting.

Tammy K. indicated that theater will start at the end of March.  There are 3 age groups and meetings will be at the church.  See Tammy if you are interested.

The membership voted to do a food stand at Plow Days on 4/23.  The money raised will assist with new t-shirts this year, which will cost approximately $600.00.  Sign ups for shifts at the food stand will be available at the next meeting.

Kids who are doing Beef projects gave updates on their animals.

Let Ruth know what projects you are doing so that she can get the books.  It would be good to get started on the books soon.

Stacey indicated that they are looking at two suppliers for t-shirts.  Maggie's Custom Embroidery suggested Ash Gray or Sports Gray.  It will cost $3.50 to $4.00 per shirt for the embroidery.  Screen printing has a $20 set up fee and would be less expensive overall but tends to not hold up after multiple washings.  Hats will also be available to order.  You may have the logo put on other items.  The cost is $4.00 if the item is sent along at the time of our order; $8.25 per piece if done at another time.  The club will pay for one shirt for each member.  Parents are welcome to order shirts. 

Greg G. advised any kids interested in a woodcraft project to see him.

Please mail a check for $10 per member to the county extension office.  Enrollment must be completed by 4/15.

Alex G. will be at the 3/19 meeting to do Quality Assurance training.  This will take approximately one hour, but will eliminate the need to go to the extension office for the class.  QA includes Ethics, and Ruth shared that it would be good for all of us to attend.

We have new members at the meeting.  Alexis will be showing goats.  Lindsey is a Cloverbud.

Mrs. L. shared that the 1st Cake Decorating meeting was held today and they practiced making flowers.

Begin to think about float/fair booth ideas.  One year, the theme was Rain Forrest, which included a very difficult hummingbird that would not stay in position.  One of the mom's donated her chewing gum to the cause, and the hummingbird stayed up all week!

The Cloverbuds presented their projects for this meeting.  They used sliced fruit to "stamp" paper with paint.  Parents should keep all the projects in a folder to be presented at Round Up.  For the next meeting, Cloverbuds should bring something that was grown from a seed.

Meeting was adjourned.

Saturday, February 12, 2011